Akshaya started in 2000, is a foremost model school in Madurai exclusively for caring and imparting education for mentally challenged -Differently abled children. Here, children are on the constant care of teachers, psychiatrists, physiotherapists and physical education masters throughout the day. SRWWO proudly and happily exclaim that, through this noble cause, we are able to get the special children to do their day-to-day activities on their own at their home and also empowering them in developing their creative skills through orientation programs to stand independently in the society.
The main focus areas of teaching are concept skills, reading, writing, pre-academic skills, ADL skills, Speech therapy, Dance therapy etc. New Sensory Room is being commissioned at the School to provide relaxation to the students, to increase creative sensory input and to eliminate distraction. District Differently Abled Welfare Officer makes visit often to AKSHAYA to access the quality of life education provided to students. We get satisfactory report in all our inspections.
This year, we had renewed the play-area of Akshaya with new play items and this was inaugurated by GM Madam. Childrens Day, Yoga Day, Christmas Day and Pongal Festival are celebrated with the active participation of each and every special child studying in this School. The whole campus including classrooms are now kept under CCTV surveillance.
Our special children from AKSHAYA School had participated and won medals in the State Level Games & Sports Competitions which were held at Trichy in March 2018. As a mark of achievement, our student got participated in National Level - Special Olympics for Differently Abled children held at Gujarat in July 2018. Students took part in National Level Training camp held at Bangalore.
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